Argentina Itinerary — jetlaggedlens



Argentina Itinerary

Argentina Itinerary

After much turmoil with our flight itinerary; every leg of the trip has been cancelled, changed or modified at least once in the last couple of months and our final trip routing is now different in every respect as compared to our original plan, the only common factors being that we leave from Toronto, arrive in Buenos Aires and at some future date which also changes, we arrive back in Toronto. While Air Canada flies direct Toronto to BA, we were routed through Newark NJ where we were to pick up a United flight to BA and then returning it was to have been BA to Lima on Avianca, a change of planes and on to to San Salvador and a change of airlines and home to TO. Crazy. After many changes we now fly to Houston and pick up United on an overnight in Business to BA and returning we now leave BA a day later, fly Business to Bogata and pick up Air Canada direct home. Much simpler, but still too complicated. However, with luck, the worst of the re-scheduling is over and we can actually begin to get ready with some certainty that the trip is actually going to happen.

Looking forward to meeting Hugh of McDermott's Argentina in BA and setting out. While I have spent the last couple of weeks battling airlines, V has had a much more pleasant time building an itinerary with Hugh. We are spending a couple of days in BA and then flying to Posadas and driving in to the Iberá wetlands where we're going to spend 3 days; should be great wildlife and bird photography. Then by road to Iguazú waterfalls where we spend 2 nights and then a flight to Salta and the beginning of a 5 day road trip in a 4x4 through the Puna region which is a high grassland and desert region in the central Andes which can be as high as 3400 metres. I'm really looking forward to this part of the trip because it is off the beaten track, the photography should be excellent and there are some small weaving villages that we will be visiting. We have to thank McDermott's Argentina for this part of the trip as it was not on our radar and Hugh and V figured that it was an itinerary leg that ticked all the boxes. After that back to BA for 4 days and the Opera. Action packed.


Buenos Aires - Day 1

Buenos Aires - Day 1

Buenos Aires & Northern Argentina Planning

Buenos Aires & Northern Argentina Planning